The Second International Workshop on
Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition (DLPR2018)

To be held in conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2018, August 20th, 2018. Beijing, China

Cinque Terre


Springer has accepted to publish the accepted papers after the workshop in a post-proceeding series.

Accepted paper list:

  1. Michał Koziarski, Bogdan Kwolek and Bogusław Cyganek. Convolutional Neural Network-Based Classification of Histopathological Images Affected by Data Imbalance.
  2. Chao Li and Yue Ming. Three-Stream Convolution networks after background subtraction for action recognition.
  3. Cong Luo and Xue Gao. Scene Text Detection with A SSD and Encoder-Decoder Network Based Method.
  4. Fu Hao, Ming Yue, Jiang Yibo and Fan Chunxiao. Effective SVD-based Deep Network Compression for Automatic Speech Recognition.
  5. Arindam Das, Thomas Boulay and Senthil Yogamani. Evaluation of Group Convolution in Lightweight Deep Networks for Object Classification.
  6. Fadi Dornaika, Fawzi Khattar, Jorge Reta, Ignacio Arganda-Carreras and Yassine Ruichek. Image-based Driver Drowsiness Detection.
  7. Javier Hernandez-Ortega, Julian Fierrez, Ester Gonzalez-Sosa and Aythami Morales. Continuous Presentation Attack Detection in Face Biometrics based on Heart Rate.